Monday, 25 June 2012

EPI Unwarping with Fieldmaps

Using fieldmap acquisitions, one can improve the registration of EPI (functional) data to the subject's structural scan.

Preparing Fieldmap Data

The script fmap, which processes the fieldmap data to produce the appropriate files required by FEAT.  The fieldmap acquisition on the CUBRIC scanner comprises of two SPGR scans with different echo times (7ms and 9ms).  The syntax for fmap is;
fmap (fieldmapoutputdir)where fmap1 is the TE=7ms acquisition and fmap2 is the TE=9ms acquisition.  fieldmapoutputdir is the name of the directory where the fieldmap data will be written, this is optional, and the default directory name is fieldmap.

From these SPGR scans fmap produces a fieldmap directory containing the following files;
abs_image_brain.nii.gz: Required by FEAT
fieldmap_rad_s.nii.gz: Required by FEAT


Check the fieldmap_rad_s image using fslview.  It should appear something similar to the images below, with values typically in the range -2000 to +2000.

Unwarping EPI data within FEAT

On the Pre-stats tab select B0 unwarping with the following parameters;
Fieldmap: the appropriate fieldmap_rad_s.nii.gz file.
Fieldmap map: the appropriate abs_image_brain.nii.gz file.
EPI echo spacing (ms): 0.32
EPI TE (ms): 35
Unwarp direction: +y
% Signal loss threshold: 10

When unwarping is complete, additional data appear in the Pre-stats section of the FEAT report.  Check the quality of the unwarping by looking at the original and unwarped EPI, and the magnitude image of the fielmap data (a low resolotion structural scan).  These are all in the whatever.feat/unwarp directory
EF_D_example_func.nii.gz:  Original ("distorted") EPI volume
EF_UD_example_func.nii.gz: Unwarped (or "undistorted") EPI image
EF_UD_fmap_mag_brain.nii.gz: Structural image (from fieldmap).
The unwarped image (EF_UD_example_func.nii.gz) should be a better match to the structural image than the original (EF_D_example_func.nii.gz).  Look for artefacts in the unwarping, which may be caused by head motion during the fieldmap, or in between the fieldmap and the epi acquisition.

Images (right) show the typical effect of unwarping on EPI data.  Original (red) and unwarped (blue) EPI images are overlaid on top of the fieldmap structural image.  Original EPI shows stretching of data in the anterior direction near the frontal pole (A, B), and a movement of the cerebellum and spinal cord in the posterior direction (C).  These are corrected in the unwarped version (blue)

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Summary Parameters of Standard Scans

MEG FSPGR - Suitable for MEG/fMRI/Retinotopic/mri3dX
3D FSPGR Oblique-Axial
resolution: 1mm isotropic matrix 256x256x176,
field of view 256x256x176
TR/TE=7.9/3.0 ms
Flip angle=20deg
1 NEX (acq time ~ 10min)

Quick FSPGR - Suitable for MEG/fMRI/Retinotopic/mri3dX
3D FSPGR Oblique-Axial
resolution: 1mm isotropic matrix 256x192x176 (zero-padded to 256x256x176),
field of view 256x192x176mm
TR/TE=7.9/3.0 ms
Flip angle=20deg
1 NEX (acq time ~ 7min)

High-Resolution FSPGR - NOT suitable for mri3dX/MEG/Retinotopic
3D FSPGR Oblique-Axial
resolution: 0.8mm isotropic matrix 320x320x194 (zero padded to 512x512x194)
field of view 256x256x155mm
TR/TE=7.9/3.0 ms
Flip angle=20deg
1 NEX (acq time ~ 10min)

30 direction DTI Oblique-Axial.
TR/TE=Cardiac Gated/87ms (effective)
FOV: 23cm
Acquisition matrix: 96x96
Slice Thickness: 2.4mm 60 slices
30 directions, 3B0.
Parallel acceleration (ASSET) factor=2
 (acq time~13mins)

60 direction DTI Oblique-Axial. (ACPC)
TR/TE=Cardiac Gated/87ms (effective)
FOV: 23cm Acquisition matrix: 96x96
Slice Thickness: 2.4mm
60 slices 60 directions, 6B0.
 Parallel acceleration (ASSET) factor=2
(acq time~25mins)

3.4mm Isotropic GRE-EPI (for fMRI) An fMRI data set was acquired using Gradient Echo-EPI with the following parameters; TR/TE=3000/35 ms, flip angle=90deg, acquisition matrix=64x64, field-of -view=22cm.  53 slices of thickness 3.4mm were acquired, orientated parallel with each subject's ACPC line (oblique-axial).  A parallel acceleration (ASSET) factor of 2 was used.