Sunday, 29 April 2012

Gannet Version - CUBRIC

I've updated the MRS analysis code on the CUBRIC fileserver to the latest version of Gannet.  For those of you who will be using Gannet for the first time, the syntax is almost identical to the old MRSLoadPfiles and MRSGABAfit, albeit with a change in the function names (i.e. they now start with Gannet...).  There are instructions on the Gannet website;

The files are located in /cubric/software/Gannet, so put this at the top of your matlab path (add with subdirectories).  There are several old versions on the server (e.g. in /cubric/scratch), I have left these in place for the moment, but will eventually place these in a Gannet_history folder.

The version we have is a 'CUBRIC special'.  Not particularly special, really, but it has a scaling factor to get our 'institutional units' to be consistent with previously acquired data.  So, if you download the version from the Gannetwebsite, all values will be different by a constant scaling factor.

For those of you who have been using Gannet already, there is a slight change in the fitting range and changes to the way the code handles Siemens data, so no need to reanalyse.  For those who have used the December 2011 version of MRSload & MRSfit (with alignment on), again the changes are minor.  Attached are the correlations of the current Gannetversion with the first Gannet release (Feb) and the Dec 2011 version of MRSanalysis, based on 106 datasets over 3 voxels (occ, SM, DLPFC).  Overall the correlations are high R2>0.9, with differences being attributable to changes in the fitting limits and initial conditions of the fit (i.e. we are in the noise of the data, so different versions will result in slightly different results).